The following businesses and individuals have made monetary, services, in-kind donations to our fundraisers, or other donations to our school. We could not do what we do without the amazing support from our student's families, the community, and local businesses.
Donations of Goods & Services
Mike's Plum Street Automotive and Express Lube: Bark and ground cover for landscaping JIT Landscaping: Labor and landscaping services in outdoor play area and parking Hailey Thornock & Stephen Shelstad: After tree trimming, clearing of limbs and brush for landscape work. JB & Son Excavating: Purchase of new gutters. Clearing of trees and brush for new fencing. Shuey's Quality Construction: Installation of new gutters. Northwest Tree Care: Discounted tree falling & limbing. Todd Hoonan: Exterior Lighting. Linda Rudolph: Purchase of gravel for driveway & parking lot. New Helmets. Michael Diaz & Aaron Hoff - 3D Systems: Labor for gravel spreading. Julie Brogan: New playground fence. Family Legacy Designs: New sign. Ace Hardware: De-Icer for school deck. Stone Creek Wood Fired Pizza: Pizza for Parent Night Out. Monetary Donations: Olympia Host Lions Club - Steamboat Peninsula Branch Beka Rudolph Holt Hoffman & Wendy Potkonja (Penny Hoffman) Linda Lentz Dona Nielsen Diaz Family |